How You Know You're in Love with BJJ
How You Know You're in Love with BJJ
Love is a funny thing, isn't it?
You could be walking down the street, minding your own business, then peer through the windows into a Brazilian jiu-jitsu gym and wham! Love at first sight. Or maybe it wasn't at first sight necessarily, but at first roll. You decided to try this thing that everyone was talking about - even your grandmother, who heard about it on Joe Rogan (don't ask me how she knows about JRE). Then you find yourself enamored with the gentle art from the very first, sweaty, technique-less round.
But sometimes it takes a while.
Maybe BJJ was just this thing you do, and you're not entirely sure you're in love with it just yet. Or maybe you don't believe in love. Maybe some other sport had broken your heart - and your spirit - in the past, and you're don't think you can do it again. But you found yourself starved for human companionship, some community, and you decided to give it a shot.
Wherever you might be on that spectrum, here are four things that indicate that you - good sir or madam - are, in fact, in love with Brazilian jiu-jitsu...
- You Wear Your Gi Pants – or Rashie – Everywhere
- The Smell of a Sweaty Training Room Invigorates You
- You Try to Recruit Random Strangers
- Your Gi Collection Has its Own Closet
Read the full blog at the Kingz USA site here.
Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at Kingz.