Tips for Washing Your BJJ Gi
Tips for Washing Your BJJ Gi
We've all been there. You've just donned your well-worn, well-loved Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu gi and stepped on the mat. Five minutes into your warm-up, you get a good whiff of something distinctively funky... Egad! What is it?
Oh, it's you. Or rather, it's your BJJ Gi.
Think about it: what other piece of clothing do you sweat in, and which gets sweated on by countless other people, on the regular? And how often do you wash said article of clothing? All that sweat contains millions of little bacteria, which happily double within 20 minutes or so. If you leave your washing for a day or two, you've basically cultivated a veritable world of odor-causing organisms in your jiu-jitsu gi. You'll be their god, sure, but your training partners aren't likely to see it the same way.
If you want to keep your BJJ gi fresher longer, and at the same time keep from being honored with the title of "the stinky guy on the mat," follow these top tips on how to wash your gi:
- Wash Early, Wash Often
- Use Sports Detergents
- Vinegar Soak
- Air Dry
- Know When To Give Up